Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Isabel Marant Sneakers


  These pics are taken last week, when the weather was still warm and we we're wondering why it's still so warm in late October. Well now, with the cold, the raind and the wind I'm already gettin' the feelin' of winter and I wanna wear warm clothes, so this sweater would not be acceptable these days.
I was kind of waiting for the perfect weather to wear it and it was either too hot or too cold, because I bought it in August(imagine, buying jackets and sweaters in august) so I was so excited when I could wear it. I thought the leather leggings and the Isabel Marant sneakers would be the perfect match for the lovely sweater. What do you think?
RO: Oh, am asteptat asa mult sa port pulovarul acesta(avand in vedere ca l-am achizitionat inca din august, stiu, stiu, a lil crazy), asa ca saptamana trecuta m-am gandit ca ar fi perfect pentru o zi de facultate. Si bine am facut ca nu am mai asteptat, la cum e vremea acum, simt ca a venit iarna!
Acum aproape o luna mi-am achizitionat si sneakersii si pot sa va spun ca inafara de zilele astea ploioasa, practic am trait in ei, asa de comozi sunt si bineinteles ca am fost si mai fericita de investitie, plus ca i-am purtat cu pantalonii de piele, cu skinny jeans, cu boyfriend jeans, pana si cu fuste si rochii:)).
Pozele sunt facute intr-o pauza de la cursuri, o mica escapada cu Silvia prin Centrul Vechi, unde avem un local preferat:))
Sa aveti o saptamana minunata !
Photos by Silvia P.

Monday, October 29, 2012


Hello kittens,
Few of my fav pics from the fashion weeks and also some trends/items I love, for example: animal print coat with a red bag, gold leggings, bf hoodies, prints and burgundy.
RO: Cateva poze cu tinutele mele preferate de la Saptamana Modei(doar cateva, am salvat cateva zeci) si de asemenea trend-uri sau piese care imi place in acest moment, precum trench-ul animal print cu geanta rosie, colantii aurii<3<3<3, hanoracele, print-urile si culoare burgundy.
Ne vedem maine cu o postare fresh la sfarsit de octombrie!
How was ur Halloween?
Photos by: Silvia P. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lace and Biker Boots


             Hello world,
             I know I've been quite lazy these past months at posting, but it's so hard to keep up with everything, I'm in my last year at Uni and I have to start my project and honestly, I've been overwhelmed with collabs and work that I didn't have the energy for the blog. And that wasn't the only problem, I've been doing some thinking and I want some things changed around here, so prepare soon for a suprise, I'll hope u'll like it and I'll explain more at that time, until then hope you like these photos.
Now, about the outfit, I've found the perfect LACE dress and I just can't get enough of it, i love it! It simple, yet the little hearts make it perfect for a romantic evening and styled with some biker boots and maybe a hat it's perfect for an evening with friend and it gives just the right amount of edginess.
What do you think?
Photos by Silvia P.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Rochiile de seara Cristallini

Acum doua seri, am iesit cu Silvia in oras, ca fetele si am realizat ca suntem deja in luna octombrie si seara tarziu noi inca eram in pantaloni scurti, respectiv rochie si sandale si ne gandeam cat de mult a tinut vremea frumoasa.

Chiar daca scolile, facultatile au inceput si poate in alti ani deja purtam trench-uri sau geci de piele, acum ne bucuram de o vreme frumoasa, perfecta pentru layering si shooting-uri.

Si chiar daca vremea ne pacaleste, este totusi luna octombrie, luna in care se organizeaza Balul Bobocilor, fie ca esti elev sau student si fetele deja incep sa se gandeasca la tinute extravagante pentru Miss.

Daca nu v-ati gasit o rochie deja, Cristallini este alegerea perfecta.
Daca te gandesti sa particip la concursul de Miss, atunci ai nevoie de o rochie lunga neaparat, iar rochiile de seara de la Cristallini sunt alegerea potrivita.

Daca o rochie lunga este prea mult pentru tine si vrei ceva mai indraznet, in care sa te simti bine toata seara, uite cateva propuneri, pe care le poti regasi pe site la categoria rochii de cocktail.