Friday, September 28, 2012

Kenvelo Revival

Acum aproape doua saptamani am fost invitata la evenimentul "Kenvelo Revival" pentru a vedea noua colectie, intr-o maniera cu totul diferita fata de evenimentele de profil. Alaturi de presa si de ceilalti bloggeri, am intrat in atmosfera evenimentului si ne-am amintit de prima data cand am purtat blugi Kenvelo sau am intrat in magazin.
Alaturi de Alina Tanasa, the fab half of AbsolutelyFabulous and co-host of the event
Alina Tanasa si Diana Enciu, the hosts of the event and also my friends
Fiecare blooger si-a ales din noua colectie o tinuta, construita cu "must-ul" serii, one pair of Kenvelo jeans. Joaca a inceput si ne-am rasfatat cu materiale de calitate, culori si print-uri. Alegerea mea a fost o pereche de blugi skinny combinati cu un tricou simplu cu print si o camasa peste, ceva foarte casual, dar de efect dupa parerea mea, tinuta ce a mers perfect cu biker boots-urile cu care venisem.

 Mi-au placut piesele pe care le-am vazut in magazin si ma bucur ca cei de la Kenvelo s-au gandit la un revival, deoarece au fost mereu in topul preferintelor mele.
Va las mai jos sa va uitati la cateva poze si va invit sa intrati in magazinele Kenvelo pentru a vedea noua colectie.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Fun Fun Fun


                               (Accessorize Tights, Tom Tailor Jeans, H&M Top)
I called this post Fun Fun Fun because we had a blast at this shooting, we didn't want te usual landscape/portrait pics so we decided to play a little. Like the result?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Lashez Sale!

  Top "Flowers"
Cod: 01
Pret: 59 ron
Fusta "Red Passion"
Cod: 01
Pret: 79 ron
Geanta de piele "Black"
Cod: 03
Pret: 449ron

Top "White Lace"
Cod: 04
Pret: 39 ron
Fusta "Red Zipper"
Cod: 05
Pret: 29 ron
Geanta de piele "Brown"
Cod: 06
Pret: 599 ron

Rochie "Back 2 School"
Cod: 07
Pret: 79 ron
Geanta de piele "Orange"
Cod: 08
Pret: 299 ron
Belt(not included)

Top "White Bow"
Cod: 10
Pret: 59 ron
Pantaloni "Red"
Cod: 11
Pret: 79 ron
Geanta piele "Black"
Pret: 449 ron

Rochie "Black Lace"
Cod: 05
Pret: 69 ron
Belt(not included and not for sale)

Rochie "Stars"
Cod: 12
Pret: 129 ron

Rochie "Classic Pink"
Cod: 15
Pret: 129 ron

Top "White Peplum"
Cod: 16
Pret: 79ron
Pantaloni "Green"
Cod: 17
Pret: 79ron
Geanta de piele "Grey"
Cod: 18
Pret: 499ron
 Top "Pink Peplum"
Cod: 19
Pret: 79 ron
Fusta "Black Bow"
Cod: 20
Pret: 79ron

Rochie "Flower Print"
Cod: 21
Pret: 79ron
Geanta lacuita
Pentru toate piesele avem masuri, in limita stocului(S, M, L), so hurry up and start shopping!
Trimiteti comenzile cu toate datele(codul produsului, nume prenume, adresa completa, telefon):

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Summer Flash


                                     (Depot96 Skirt, [Fe]Male Zipper Top, H&M Necklace, Zara Sandals)

Photos taken by my dear friend Quyen Mike, he's AMAZING, I know. There is a long story behind these photos, are they we're taken in between the real shootings we had for a photography project. We teamed up(Quyen Mike-model, Me-stylist and another friend, Sonia as the photographer) for a photography contest where you had in each phase a theme. We won the prize for most voted team and I won the Best Stylist Award, but it wasn't only about the prizes, it was about having fun, shooting in some incredible locations and underpressure(or better, underwater, yes we did that too) and it was a lot of fun.
Friend, fashion, styling, laughter and fun, those are the real prizes!
Stay tuned tomorrow for our next Blog Sale!
Good night dolls,
Photos by: Quyen Mike

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fashionette on Instagram

                        Hi sweeties,
     Just wanted to say that from now on you can follow me on instagram @thefashionette. These are some photos I posted this week. Hope you like them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

LaRosa-magazin online de bijuterii

Cum a spus Marilyn, "diamonds are a girl's best friends". Asa ca astazi va prezint un magazin atat online cat si fizic, de bijuterii, in special de diamante. De la pandantive, la cercei si inele cu superbe diamante, special pentru a ne face sa ne simtim bine.
La Rosa are atat diamante, cat si alte bijuterii, precum verighete sau inele de logodna, in cazul in care sunteti in cautare de asa ceva. Cum am spus mai sus, preferatele mele sunt bijuteriile cu diamante, pe care le puteti gasi aici. Uitati un exemplu:
Mai multe modele si forme, diamante albe sau culori combinate, puteti gasi accesandu-le site-ul, iar cerceii de mai sus ii puteti gasi aici. De asemenea, realizeaza si gravuri, free of charge.
Stay tuned, urmeaza un post despre un proiect la care am lucrat in ultima luna.
EN: Sorry for not translating, but I wrote about a jewellery store from Romania, that's why the lack of translation. Last but not least, stay tuned because in the next post I'll tell you guys about a photography project I've been working for the last month and where I won the "Best Stylist Award".

Monday, September 3, 2012 - online shopping destination

Daca sunteti in cautare de un nou site de shopping fabulos, astazi va prezint Chantal, ce se regaseste mai nou si in mediul online, in Capitala fiind deja o destinatie cunoscuta.
BCBG Max Azria? Charlie Jade? Jeffrey Campbell?Anniel sau 7 for All Mankind? Le puteti gasi pe toate acum la un click distanta, pe 
Magazinul online are atat piese vestimentare, accesorii, cat si pantofi, preferatii mei fiind Lita by Jeffrey Cammbell, despre care trebuie sa recunosc, desi sunt atat de populari si foarte multa lume ii are, tot sunt printre preferatii mei.
De asemenea, sunt innebunita dupa blugii 7 for All Mankind, sunt de foarte buna calitate si very stylish. Va place perechea asta de blugi?

Va invit sa descoperiti si voi toate produsele ce se regasesc pe !

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Call me Maybe

(H&M Dress, Aldo Sandals, Accessorize Charm Bracelet&Necklaces)
Hello guys,
As you may have noticed, I'm doing some changes for the blog, as in visual design and makin the menu and sidebar more user friendly. Soon I'll get back on track.
Until then, I wanted to show you some photos I took a while ago with Silvia, it was so fun shooting this outfit with the lovely dress from H&M, as the location was right in front of a bus stop and people were looking an we laughed and found some nice angles to take pictures and of course, we also found the "vintage" phone and thought it would look great.
I really like it, what do you think?
RO: Dupa cum ati observat, blog-ul trece prin cateva schimbari, mai mult de design. De asemenea, incerc sa fac meniurile mai user friendly, sa fie totul mai accesibil. In curand voi reveni la postat mai des.
Pana atunci, vroiam sa va arat pozele acestea, cu o frumoasa rochie de la H&M. Ne-am distrat foarte mult la aceasta sedinta foto, era o statie de autobuz chiar langa, lumea se tot uita la noi, ne-am folosit de acel telefon public si am facut totul in 15minute maxim.
Mie imi plac foarte mult pozele, voua?
Photos by: Silvia P.