Friday, June 8, 2012

Look of the day: Casual Afternoon - Dimensione Danza









(All items except the sandals and sunglasses are from Dimensione Danza)

Morning dolls,
    A while ago, Dimensione Danza invited me to do a photoshoot with some of their items, clothes that focused on sport chic and ballet, divided into 4 collection(you can see the post here).
                Since then, they brought in Romania brands like Emamo, Colors of California, Ash(a brand loved by the hollywood stars), Religion and American Vintage. Great, isn’t it?
                In the next few days I will post outfits I made with clothes from this brands, which you can find in Baneasa Shopping City, at Dimensione Danza, to show how you can mix and match them for different occasions, since they’re so versatile.
                Now, about this look, as you can see it’s pretty casual, for a summer afternoon with your friends or a walk in the park with your pet. I especially like the colors and the fabric of the clothes, not to mention that every accessory from Dimensione Danza is absolutely gorgeous, so feminine and so delicate.
                What do you think? Would you wear this combo?

RO:  Neata,
Acum ceva timp, am fost invitata de catre Dimensione Danza sa fac o sedinta foto cu cateva piese de la ei, haine ce se concentrau in mare parte pe sport chic sau dans, impartite in 4 colectii.(puteti vedea articolul aici).
De atunci, au adus in Romania brand-uri precum Emamo, Colors of California, Ash(preferat de vedetele hollywoodiene), Religion si American Vintage. Mi se pare foarte tare ca au reunit atatea brand-uri sub Dimensione Danza, brand-uri ce nu erau la noi.
In urmatoarele zile, voi posta tinute cu haine de la aceste brand-uri, pe care le puteti gasi in Baneasa Shopping City, toate la Dimensione Danza. O sa va arat cum le puteti combina pentru diferite ocazii, deoarece sunt foarte versatile.
Acum, despre tinuta de fata, dupa cum vedeti este foarte lejera, culori puternice, de vara, perfecta pentru o dupa-amiaza petrecuta cu prietenii sau o plimbare prin parc cu animalutul. Imi plac in mod special culorile si materialele hainelor, ca sa nu mai spun de accesorii, care sunt absolut minunate, foarte delicate si feminine, nici nu stiam ce sa aleg.
Ce parere aveti?Ati purta aceasta tinuta?

Photos by Silvia P.


Thank you for reading Fashionette!