Tuesday, November 13, 2012


So, as you may have noticed I haven't been posting often lately and that's also because I'm working on a new design for Fashionette and because it's annoying trying to post while everything it's not working perfectly.
For a week or two Fashionette's going under construction and will be back with lots of posts and outfits and also a fresh new LOOK!
RO: Asa cum ati observat deja nu am mai postat asa des in ultima vreme, cum am zis si in post-urile trecute, iar asta se datoreaza si faptului ca blogul trece prin schimbari de design si este enervant sa incerc sa postez si sa am erori sau totul sa nu arate perfect.
Asa ca pentru o saptamana sau doua dragilor Fashionette va fi unavailable, dar ma voi intoarce cu multe post-uri si tinute si cu un nou design si sper ca atunci va fi si mai usor de urmarit totul!

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