Buna dragilor,
Ieri am fost la H&M pentru un preview al colectiei SS2013 si trebuie sa va spun ca am ramas placut impresionata, abia astept sa apara unele piese!
Brandul suedez este intr-o continua evolutie, colectiile lor fiind din ce in ce mai bune, dupa parerea mea. Printre piesele mele preferate se numara pantalonii "oglinda", botinele negre, camasa army si piesele in nuante de rosu, cu materiale si insertii foarte interesante!
Colectia are un aer boem prin aplicatiile si ornamentele hainelor, transformate in piese moderne. De la volum sport pana la drapaj supradimensionat, de la nuante neutre la cele cu aspect decolorat de soare, H&M keeps getting better and better!
ARTICOLE CHEIE: camsa voluminoasa, fusta cu canafi, sacou drapat supradimensionat(in love with it<3), jacheta din piele gofrata.
Le puteti gasi pe toate in LOOKBOOK.
EN: Hello dearies,
Yesterday I visited the H&M Showroom for the SS2013 preview and I must say I was impressed and I can't wait for the Spring to come!
The swedish brand it's always evolving and improving, collection by collection. Among my fav pieces are the mirror short pants, the black booties, army shirt and the red shaded items, with very interesting fabrics and ornaments!
What are your fav pieces?
OMG OMG ce ciuda imi e ca nu am putut sa ajung! Ador totul arata superb! :D:X
ReplyDeleteCool pictures!!
Fusta cu canafi e si in topul preferintelor mele :d